Grief & Loss
Helping individuals and their families move through their
grief experience and find meaning in their loss.
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consultation to explore new possibilities
& peaceful beginnings together.
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Just as they say it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to grieve.

Together, we will explore resources around and within you to honour your grief and move through it. Village Grief Counselling is an oasis for individuals experiencing loss. Our mission is to provide a safe, confidential, and non-judgemental space in order to facilitate a unique and creative path to peace.

Grief Counselling Vancouver

About the Founder

Maryam Khademian, Certified Life Coach and Registered Professional Counsellor, specializes in grief counselling and is the founder of Village Grief Counselling here in Vancouver. Maryam was born in Tehran, Iran. She graduated as a respiratory therapist and worked as a respiratory therapist for 12 years. Having lived through Iran’s Revolution, the loss of her father at a young age and eight years of war, her real-life experiences have fostered a warm, empathetic, and compassionate counselling approach.

Services at Village Grief Counselling

I provide a confidential, culturally-sensitive, and non-judgemental counselling service, in which clients are supported in their grief process and invited to explore possibilities for new beginnings.

Grief Counselling Vancouver

End-of-Life Transition Grief Counselling

It’s hard to know where to start when facing the end of life transition. Complex and opposing emotions and thoughts, along with physical and emotional pain, could bring a lot of confusion for the client, facing the end of life. Maintaining one’s autonomy and authenticity in decision-making during such an emotionally charged time can be a challenge. My goal is to provide a culturally sensitive and confidential space for the client with an emphasis on emotional and spiritual wellness, allowing them to maintain dignity and independence through this difficult transition.

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Life Transition Grief & Loss
Significant transitions that enter our lives or the lives of those closest to us—whether welcomed or otherwise—trigger a series of emotions in mind, body and soul which are experienced as grief. In this journey, you are invited to share your grief experiences, find a way to honour these experiences, and find a place for them in your life, so that it permits you to move forward unburdened.

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Grief Counselling Vancouver
Grief Counselling Vancouver

Relationship Grief & Loss

You and your partner co-create a third entity—the living, breathing being that is your relationship which must be loved, nurtured and attended. Its end brings a collection of losses to be grieved, and together we will process this grief, re-establishing your inner harmony so you can reconnect with yourself.

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Immigration Grief & Loss

Mourning your old country and family as well as traditions and heritage is completely normal as you learn to adjust to a new culture and its customs. It’s important to take time to grieve these losses and honour them, to open your heart and pave the way for the creation of new memories, blessings and experiences.

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Grief Consultancy Vancouver
Grief consultancy Vancouver

Grief & Loss Coaching

We work together to pinpoint your unmet needs, and I coach you step by step through a challenging and supporting holistic process. This allows you to process your grief in a healthy way and step back into the world stronger and with newfound confidence.

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Finding Light in the Darkness

I aspire to create a stable community of support and services built around the client, their children and family going through the end-of-life transition. I aim to give them the gift of time; allowing them to full-heartedly experience these precious moments untethered from pain and grounded in the now.

We Would Love To Hear From You!

Grief Counselling Vancouver
Find Us
T: (604) 374-7788
E: info@villagegriefcounselling.com
L: 404 – 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC V6C 3E2

Opening Hours
Monday – Saturday:
8 AM to 8 PM