
Immigration Grief & Loss

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Immigration Grief & Loss

“Everybody says I’m so lucky to be here, so why am I so miserable?”

Your Safe Haven

“‘Everybody says I’m so lucky to be here, so why am I so miserable?’ I hear this often at gatherings from people that have immigrated to Canada. You worked extremely hard to immigrate to Canada and yet grieve your old country, your culture, your language, the family you left behind, your history and identity of who you were in that country, and even your favourite snack. These are losses that you carry with you as you or your family immigrate to a new country. I will hold space for you as we explore your losses and give them a voice to be heard and honoured.” Maryam

Endings & Beginnings

Loss and mourning in immigrants who have just moved to a new country can be devastating and paralyzing, preventing their adjustment to their new country. Although exhilarating and exciting, starting a new life—whether on your own or with your family—can bring about a whole new set of stressors and challenges. You are integrating into an entirely new culture, learning a new language and finding the confidence to speak it. You are giving your children the strength to go to school and supporting them in the process, and you are finding a new job so you and your partner can support your family. It is completely normal to feel lost, misunderstood and alone, but at Village Grief Counselling, you are always supported—unconditionally.

It Takes a Village

As an immigrant, you are experiencing not just the physical loss of the family you left behind, but also the symbolic losses of your social environment, identity and status—who you once were in your place of comfort versus who you are now. We will help you find the strength to take the first steps in integrating into your new country feeling confident, secure and supported. You can feel safe as we explore the emotions that arise within you and process them in a free, open and non-judgemental manner, giving way to a positive perspective on a bright future ahead.

Individual Counselling

Maryam’s Life Story
Counselling Approach
Counselling Modalities

End of Life Transition Grief Counselling

Life Transition Grief & Loss

Relationship grief & Loss

Immigration Grief & Loss

Grief & Loss Coaching

Anger Management

Anxiety & Depression

Relationship Counselling

Domestic Abuse

Sexual Abuse & Incest