
Most of us are aware of the traditional role of a doula in accompanying women as they give birth. A doula offers support to the mother, as well as the family members present during the process of bringing new life into the world. An equally important and rarely talked about role, however, is an end-of-life doula, offering much-needed support and life transition counselling to the dying and their loved ones.

An end-of-life doula complements the roles of nurses and doctors in combining the emotional and medical support needed for a peaceful transition. While hospitals are wonderful and safe places, they lack the necessary warmth and guidance that families and their dying loved ones need during such a trying time. Hospitals treat peoples’ deaths equally, but an end-of-life-doula can advocate for each dying person and their family, uniquely.

This form of therapy fills in the gaps of traditional care offered by medical centres and providers. It helps the person passing and their family move along the journey and navigate the end-of-life process.

How does an end-of-life doula help families navigate the passing of a loved one?

People often hire end-of-life doulas when a family member or friend is diagnosed with a terminal illness, to assist them in the very challenging and painful experience of witnessing death. Doulas stay close to the person who is passing during the death and beyond, making space for them as they experience a whirlwind of overwhelming emotions. They may offer a sit vigil where the family and person passing can remain quiet and in peace, offering a place for stillness and presence.

The Making of Legacy Projects

A beautiful practice that an end-of-life doula can assist with, are legacy projects. These may include the making of craft books, photo albums, quilts and other art projects that encapsulate the heart of the one passing. These are beautiful items that can be left behind for the loved ones of those dying, to hold onto as they face the grieving process.

Beyond this, a doula can help families get their homes in order after their loved one has passed. Organizing possessions by gifting some to friends and relatives and donating or letting go of others can be an incredibly healing experience.

Logistical Guidance

It can be challenging to shift your mindset into one that is able to accommodate the logistics surrounding the death. A doula provides patients with help getting their will in order, writing letters to loved ones or assisting them with other offerings and directives. Having a professional connect you to important local government resources can greatly lighten the weight on one’s shoulders.

Emotional & Spiritual Support

Very few family or friends will know how to handle such an intimate, private and heart-wrenching experience up-close. An end-of-life doula provides the space needed for open, honest dialogue surrounding the death. During such a life-changing time, they guide patients and their loved ones along their path of fears, concerns and emotions, easing any distress.

Although it’s near-impossible for the experience of losing a loved one to be made easy, it can at least be lightened. An end-of-life doula can help you facilitate a calmer end to your loved one’s life, giving the gift of time and peaceful transition.

For those anticipating the death of a loved one or their own, life transition counselling can offer the support, guidance and closure you need to move forward with your life in a healthy way. Get in touch with me to learn more about how I work, and to schedule an appointment. I would genuinely love to see how we connect and how I can help you along your journey.

Grief Counselling Vancouver
Find Us
T: (604) 374-7788
E: info@villagegriefcounselling.com
L: 404 – 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC V6C 3E2

Opening Hours
Monday – Saturday:
8 AM to 8 PM